Tips To Grow Your Hair Back With The Right Diet
- 1) Fish
- 2) Nuts & Seeds
- 3)Water
- 4) Green Leafy Vegetables
- 5) Carrots
- 6) Eggs
- 7) Yogurts
- 8) Berries
- 9) Beans & Pulses
Follow these diet for Healthy Hairs
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Amazing Home Remedies to Remove Sun Tan From Your Body
Summer is here! All you lovely ladies must be excited to put on your summer dress and have some fun outdoors. But all the fun goes away as you get the ugly tan not only in your face but also hands and feet. Suntan can be really embarrassing especially due to dual skin tone.
How to get rid of Suntan?
Most of the ladies go for bleach and other cosmetic treatments to get rid of the tan. Such treatments might lighten the skin instantly, but in the long run they bring harm to the skin. Sunburn are stubborn they do not go away easily, so you need some patience to deal with them. Here are few home remedies for sun tan removal that will lighten the skin tone, as well as restore back its lost luster.
Tomato also works great in removing sun tan. It has anti-oxidants property, minerals, and vitamins that help in making the skin look healthy. To remove the tan, you can make a mask by mixing tomato pulp, one tablespoon of yogurt and some oatmeal. Remove it after 5-10 minutes and get clear as well as glowing skin.
An excellent natural remedy to remove sun tan is Potato. It is rich in Vitamin C and so works as a great bleaching agent. Cut peeled potatoes and make a paste in the blender. Apply it on the affected area and wash it cold water after 20 to 30 minutes. To get best results add lemon juice to the paste.
How to get rid of Suntan?
Most of the ladies go for bleach and other cosmetic treatments to get rid of the tan. Such treatments might lighten the skin instantly, but in the long run they bring harm to the skin. Sunburn are stubborn they do not go away easily, so you need some patience to deal with them. Here are few home remedies for sun tan removal that will lighten the skin tone, as well as restore back its lost luster.
Tomato also works great in removing sun tan. It has anti-oxidants property, minerals, and vitamins that help in making the skin look healthy. To remove the tan, you can make a mask by mixing tomato pulp, one tablespoon of yogurt and some oatmeal. Remove it after 5-10 minutes and get clear as well as glowing skin.
An excellent natural remedy to remove sun tan is Potato. It is rich in Vitamin C and so works as a great bleaching agent. Cut peeled potatoes and make a paste in the blender. Apply it on the affected area and wash it cold water after 20 to 30 minutes. To get best results add lemon juice to the paste.
Homemade Skin Lightening Face Masks
Every girl dreams of having fair and glowing skin, but due to pollution and stress, we lose the glow on our face and it makes skin look dull and dark. Let us look at some homemade face masks which will lighten and brighten your skin.
- Take one tablespoon of honey and one table spoon of lemon juice and mix them well.
- Apply this on your clean face and neck, leave for 15 minutes, and then wash it off.
Most Effective Skin Care Home Remedies
Skin is the most important part of your body that needs special attention on your part. The people, who maintain their skin, look attractive and are also admired by the people around them. The most significant question is that how can you main a healthy and fresh skin. There are a number of solutions and medicinal skincare remedies but you must remember that most of them have adverse effects. It the only the natural skin care home remedies that the best results.
Turmeric is also considered one of the best spice for health. It can be applied on skin by making mixture of one tablespoon turmeric powder with sufficient pineapple juice. Afterwards apply it on face and let it dry. When whole of mixture dries, wash it off with water. This treatment can be used 2-3 times in a week.
Lemon is one of the best natural skin care remedies you can find. The Vitamin C in lemons is very effective for treatment of black spots around face. Like Cucumber, Lemons are also believed to be growth enhancing agents, which rapidly initiate the replacement of skin cells due to the presence of citric acid. It can be applied by making juice of lemons, and then applying it on face for not more than 15 minutes. Afterwards wash the face with water to enjoy the amazing benefits of lemon.
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