Saturday, May 14, 2016

Some Emotions Your Mom & You WILL Share During The Wedding!

We guarantee you’ll never feel as close to your mommy as you will when you’re getting married. Prepare for extreme emotions and practice blinking back the tears…together! After all, there’s no greater team than mom and you, right?

1. Absolute Panic

Before the wedding, it suddenly hits you – will you ever be able to live in a different house than mom? She’s wondering the same thing!

2. Crazy Excitement

The two of you can’t help but feel so much excitement at all the shopping and fun moments that are going to lead up to the wedding.

3. Sudden Bouts of Sadness

But suddenly it really hits you both that soon you won’t be able to wake up to each other’s faces.

4. Waves of Nostalgia

Mom rummages through old pictures and can’t help but wonder, “When did you grow up?” You wish you had an answer!

5. Irritating Times

You can’t help but argue with mum when she doesn’t agree with you about wedding details! You know you’ll miss her and everything but she needs to understand this is your wedding and you want things a certain way.

Saturday, May 7, 2016 Wish You Happy Mother's Day to All Mother's

**Happy Mother's Day**, my best friend!
I love you. And you know that.
As I start to write this, tears roll down my eyes and cheeks, already.
I firstly thank you for giving me birth.
For bearing the excruciating labour pain and giving me life.
For cleaning my diapers while I was a baby.
For loving me more than anything else in this world.
I have a dream. And I can't do this without you, just like any of my other dreams.
You were my best friend during school days. I have shared every single detail with you. Everything.
The studies. The gossip. The boys. The teachers. Everything I did.
What you said was bible to me.
I have very diligently followed to each and every advise you gave. And I never needed a friend, because you were there.
Then all of a sudden I shifted base to an extremely modern city wherein I was under a cultural shock for an year.
I had never seen students kissing in college. Smoking openly or hurling abuses.
I was very scared. Like a cub. As I started to tell you this, you got scared too and wanted me to come back.
But I wanted to experience a new place and learn things on my own. I wanted to work hard and make a name for myself.
So I decided to stay.
I was naive. Once during my photography classes I saw two dogs doing something funny and clicked them. I was later stopped by a friend because they were actually having an intercourse.
I knew nothing at all.
Never dated anyone.Never stayed at a friends place for a night out. Never went out for a movies with friends.
While I was trying to adjust in a new place away from you, I also became extremely low on self esteem because of my weight. I saw how the cute looking men never gave me a second glance. Though,the ones I didn't like , were all over me.
I was betrayed by my friends on several occasions. I was made fun of and ridiculed a number of times for various reasons.
College was a difficult time for me and I grew apart from you further and further.
I couldn't share things with you.
Unfortunately we belong to two different generations and I could not explain you well.
I never smoked, did hookah or any kind of drugs. Till date I'm proud of this.
But how could I tell you about my first kiss ? How could I tell you about the first time I touched a guy ?
I couldn't. We live in a city and society where a girl is supposed to do to everything only after marriage. And yes I was convinced too.
But my first boy friend whom I thought I would marry, was a complete retard.
I cried for days after the break up.
Why did I kiss him? Why did I let him hug me ?
Funnily I dated him for an year and met him just once and thought that was love.
But a dream was shattered here. The dream to marry the first guy, you fall in love with.
I was ashamed of myself. But couldn't tell you this. I failed as a daughter here.
I became busy with my never ending assignments and you with your work.
I started lying about going to parties and other small stuff because you'd say no to my request invariably.
I knew I was responsible for my own.
But this hiding and lying didn't do any good.
Now when I realised all this and have grown a little wiser I want us to rekindle that old bond.
- I plead you,to not think about the society and accept me the way I am.
- I request you to allow me to live my life, the way i want to. I will make you proud of me. I promise.
- I beg you to stop worrying about what society says about my thoughts, likes and habits.
- I humbly request you to stop worrying about my marriage. I will marry, when I get "the one" . I want to experience a lot many things before that. I take responsibility for my life partner. I will look for him on my own. Relax.
- Please stop thinking about what your society says about me being so called "bindaas". If living a happy life means "bindaas and characterless", I don't mind that tag.
- Having guy friends, going out on vacations with them or putting pictures with them on social media, doesn't make me a slut. They are my friends who've been with me through every thick and thin when you weren't here. I love them to bits and they are like my siblings.
Mom, all I want to tell you is that you're the only person that means to me. And I want us to share our lives with each other authentically.
I refuse to be a hypocrite.
We don't know for how long we're alive.
Life changes in a moment.
I have nothing to do with people who bring others down, out of insecurity, jealousy and frustration.
They have no right in our lives.
We are our world.
Let's just end it there.
Let's just love each other like maniacs.
Will you promise this ?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Use Social Media for Matrimony

The social media is not only useful for information, social news and fun but also in other useful avenues like match making. In India social media is now everywhere, so on social media you get very good information for matrimonial in India.
You can use social media to your favor using some simple tips:

1. Using Social Profiles to get more information

Usually you get some information from matrimonial website but not able to gauge complete personality,, likes, dislikes, and other important information. By using social media you get access to more information.
i) You can gather more about the career of your would-be using Today almost every professional has a linkedin profile. If you are in early stages of a potential relation, it helps a lot, since career information is most important piece of information you need as a lot in your future depends on career stability of your partner.
ii) Many people prefer doing some verification checks on potential partner. It has become easier using social media. You may get to know about social circles of the would be partner and get information from people if you are known to someone in that circle.
iii) You can use twitter to see what kind of tweets he/she has made till now. It gives you a glimpse of interest areas of the person.

2. Exploring Social Circles an groups online

There are many groups on facebook and google+ that you can use to your benefit. Many groups exist which you can join to get access to a potential match. For example: a group that has profiles from your city, or from your caste/community helps you to get access to many good profiles.

3. Joining events organized through social media

There are regular meeting events being organised by facebook and other social media users. meetup is also very useful for this purpose. In these type of gatherings you get to meet many people matching your interest. This is very effective tool to get easy access to persons of your liking.

You Can also Join Us on Facebook Click Here 

Friday, April 22, 2016

First Meeting Conversation Starters

A lot of people are clueless about what to discuss on the first meeting. Just so that you do not end up boring or scaring the opposite person, we’re giving you a list of topics to discuss with your partner on your first meeting. In most cases, people run out of topics in less than 10 – 15 minutes. It’s important that the two of you have a relaxed chat that makes you both comfortable talking to each other. So here are some topics you could talk on…

1. Why did you choose to find your partner through a matrimonial site?
2. What’s your idea of a successful relationship?
3. What are your career goals at the moment?
4. What are the qualities that you’re looking for in your life partner?
5. Are you prepared for marriage or you’ll give it a thought only when you find someone?
6. Are you okay with relocating to another country post marriage?
7. Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?
8. What do you enjoy doing the most? Do you like music, travelling, reading, etc?
9. Are you a foodie? What kind of cuisines do you like?
10. What do you hate most about first dates or meetings?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Unconditional Love for True Relationship

"True Relationship needed Unconditional Love"

When I saw you i fell in love
and you smiled because
you knew!!!!

Life time relationship required True love, when you love someone unconditionally & take a care of her/him every small things then you sure, you both are ready to tie in that relationship.  True love have a power to change anyone.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Value of 7 Vows in an Indian Wedding.....

In Hinduism it is believed that rituals and customs are the true ingredients for a happy married life. The seven vows taken at the time of a Hindu marriage are the seven promises sworn by the bride and the groom. These vows are sworn during the pheras taken around the sacred fire called the havan kund. The sacred fire is the witness of the vows sworn by the groom and the bride. The priest continuously chants the vedic mantras during the pheras. The bride and groom then pledge their commitment to take care of each other in any circumstances throughout their life.

The 7 Vows

Seven Vows In Hindu Wedding

1) The first vow says, the bride and the groom would provide prosperity as a household to the family and would stand against those who try to hinder.
2) The second vow says ,the bride and the groom would lead a healthy life by developing their physical, mental and spiritual.
3) The third vow says, the couple would earn a living and increase by proper means, so that their materialistic wealth increases manifold.
4) The fourth vow says, the married couple would respect, love & understand each other and would acquire knowledge, happiness and harmony.
5) The fifth vow says, the couple would expand their family by having healthy, brave and honest children, for whom, they will be responsible.
6) The sixth vow says, the bride and the groom should have self-control of the mind, body and soul and should have long marital relationship.
7) The seventh and the last vow says, they promise that they would be true and loyal to each other and would remain companions and best of friends for the lifetime.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tips For Setting a Matrimonial Profile

You are on SAJANSAJANIMARRIAGE.COM for a purpose, right? So you need to make sure you have the right kind of information in your matrimonial profile. This will not just make it easy for you to find the right match but also improve your chances of receiving interests from members who match your criteria. You need to highlight your attributes and set the tone of your personality. If you are not sure about what to write in your profile, here are some tips to keep in mind while creating your profile…

1. Choose the Right Community
Finding a partner online is easy only when your profile is complete. On, you have the option to choose a community you wish to find a partner from. All you have to do is select the right community, fill in other details about you and the kind of partner you’re looking for.
2. Be Honest
It’s a bad idea to start a relationship with a lie. You rather be honest! You may not be prince charming or a princess but there are people who appreciate honesty. You never know, they might end up liking you for the kind of person you are. Avoid uploading someone else’s picture on your profile. People need to get what they saw on your profile when they meet you. If you misrepresent yourself by uploading an old photo or someone’s else’s photo, it just ends there. SHE/he wouldn’t want to meet you again. Also, do not hide red flags like a divorce or children in your profile. Potential matches will find out at some point.
3. Post ‘Happy’ Pictures
Ever seen those pictures of people ‘Before’ and ‘After’ the weight loss plan? The person is always frowning in the ‘Before’ picture, where as in the ‘After’ picture, there’s a smile, which is supposed to help sell a product. Similarly, happy pictures have more chances of getting people to express interest in you. So, choose pictures that make you look nice, fun and outgoing.
4. Focus on Your Uniqueness
This allows you to find people who are compatible with you. Focus on the interesting things that you would want your prospective spouse to know about you. Also, this space is not meant for you to write about your childhood hobbies like stamp collecting or making book marks, etc. You could write about you, your family and qualities you are looking for in your Life Partner.
5. Be a Bit Humorous
We know it’s a matrimonial profile, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be witty. A profile with some humor in it is tough for people to resist. So, if you’re witty show it in your profile — but don’t force the jokes please!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Find your Perfect Life Partner with

When you & your family members feel that you are ready to marry, than first thing arrives in your & their  mind that is where we search our Mr. & Miss. perfect??? is a Matrimonial site, that can help you in your searching.......... just share with us what you are finding in your Mr/Miss right.

Now the ques arrive how you Know that is perfect or not for you??
So, there are some qualities that must have your perfect Life partner:

  • When you are with the right person you will feel good about yourself, safe and contented.
  • You will know you are with the right person when you feel support and encouragement for your emotional and intellectual growth.

  • Although expecting a spouse to make you feel happy all the time is unreasonable, being with the right person can make you happy and give you a sense of personal strength.

  • right person will not be negative and weak. That person will not be silent, critical or lazy.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Good Couple always Support Eachother

A good couple always supports each other emotionally.

Love is perhaps our most powerful emotion, and the need to be in a loving relationship may be one of the strongest needs we have. Being in an intimate relationship makes us feel connected, not only to our partner, but also to the world at large. When our hearts are filled with love, we feel profoundly content and satisfied.

8 steps you can take to keep the flame burning of your Love

1. Be Friends
2. Stay Connected 
3. Get Physical
4. Celebrate Each Other
5. Fight Well
6. Take a Class
7. Listen Carefully
8. Maintain Your Sense of Self

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

When a Girl is getting Married according to Her Wish

When a girl is getting married according to her wish, then the smile on her face and happiness in her heart is priceless!


Now a free and Urban India, Every girls parents need some patience, firstly it is important to her daughter to get a job, become independent, make a life for herself and then take a decision about how and with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life? 


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Important Qualities Your Future Husband must have

It’s normal for a girl to dream about the guy she will one day marry. Of course, as we grow up, those knight-in-shining-armour expectations turn into ones that are more realistic. By the time we do get married, we have a better understanding of relationships and values and know what we would appreciate from our partner. 

At that time it is difficult to find young decent men, This problem has become so serious.. when we think of young men today so first ques arrived in our mind where have all the good men gone?

Every Girl have Dream, her Future Husband have that qualities:

  • Strong moral code
  • Respects human life
  • Shared life goals
  • Honors your femininity 
  • Faithful
  • Stand Up For Me 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Dady's Little Girl turns a year older today, join us for find her perfect lifepartner


I thought I would start my speech by addressing you as the “new” family of my daughter. But I think it would be inappropriate because now that she is married, you are “the family” for her. Believe me; I don’t have a problem with that. I, in fact, want my daughter to have “you” as her priority now. Its time for us to take a backseat in her life. We would happily accept it but would surely request one thing- please keep her happy!
I am more than sure that you will keep her very happy. She will perhaps be happier than what she used to be here. But like all fathers, I obsess over my daughter’s happiness which is making me say this over and over again- please keep her happy!
She never was and will never be a burden for me. She is in fact the reason why I breathe and smile. I am getting her married because this is what the law of nature demands. I am helpless in the face of our culture and therefore sending her to your home. She was the happiness of my home and will now light up your home. I am giving my world to you. Please make sure it remains beautiful. I am giving away my princess to you. Please make sure she stays as a queen. I have raised her with my sweat and blood and now she is wonderfully perfect. For all the care, love, beauty and warmth my daughter will bring into your lives, I just want her happiness in return—please keep her happy!
If at times you think that my daughter has said or done something wrong, feel free to scold her. But handle her with love. She is very fragile. If at times she feels low, be with her. She just needs a little bit of your attention. If at times she feels sick, show her some care. It’s the medicine that works best for her. If at times she fails to fulfill a responsibility, feel free to chastise her. But empathize with her. She is still learning. Do understand her—please keep her happy!
I don’t mind if I don’t get to see her for months. I don’t mind if I am not able to talk to her on a daily basis. I would be more than happy if she doesn’t remember me much. But, my only motive in life has been my daughter’s happiness which is now in your hands. I beg you, please keep her happy.
Dear son-in-law, these words may not mean much to you now but if you are lucky enough to father a daughter someday, you will appreciate them better when you will find every beat of your heart shouting – “please keep her happy”!
When a girl gets married, she steps out of her own heaven and enters into a world full of uncertainties just to keep a family running and lives blooming – “please keep her happy”

Friday, April 1, 2016

How to Create a Good Online Matrimonial Profile

The most important things you should consider while creating a good online matrimonial profile. If you are looking for a bride or a groom online then just signing up on online matrimonial sites is not enough. Once you post your profile online then it will compete with thousands of other matrimonial profiles. Whenever you create your online matrimonial profile do consider these things. Just Remember, marriage happens once in a life-time, so represent yourself at your best.

1. RECENT PHOTO: The most significant part of creating a good matrimonial profile is your photo. Many people are very shy about putting their photo online, but the truth is that when there are lacs of other profiles with photos and if you don’t put yours then it is a disadvantage to you. Photo increases responses by 10-15 times. 

2. PROVIDE COMPLETE INFORMATION: Fill all the matrimony related info in your profile. It helps the other member to understand you, your thoughts, your family etc. Many people feel that by specifying everything in the paragraph is good enough, but that's a wrong practice. Those details are hardly read by few people; you still need to follow the formats presented by these sites.

3. WRITE ABOUT YOURSELF: Be elegant about disclosing about yourself. Just give brief information but significant information. Lengthy profile can make your profile boring. Specify your professional and educational background. Write briefly about your family members and how many brothers and sisters you are and the profession of your parents. And most important what are your expectations from your prospective partner.

4. LOGIN REGULARLY: Creating a profile on any matrimonial site is not more than enough; you should also login regularly and show your interest to other members who match your criteria. Instead of waiting for other members to contact you kindly initiate contact from your end.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Online Matchmaking Services

Matrimony is a holy affair that entwines two souls and their families in a sacred connection. However, problem arises when a person is ready to mingle but due to fewer prospects available for marriage is forced to stay single. This is where Online Matchmaking Services come as a godsend gift for all the people looking to find love through marriage.

In the modern world of internet, when everything is done online matchmaking is not far behind. Now, one can get confused between dating website and matchmaking ones but the major difference between both is that the result of a dating website does not end in marriage. Online Matchmaking Services solely work for letting people find a suitable match for matrimony. They are a boon for people who are too shy or do not want to get into the hassle of dating and courtships.

Feature of Online Matchmaking Services:

1)You can make your profile, post photos, and give detailed description that provide a better idea about you and what you are looking for in a partner.

2)It is easy to edit and delete information. You can make changes whenever you want.

3)Online services are interactive in nature. You are given options like video chatting, messaging etc.

4)Making a profile is free and you can browse through other people's profiles as well. You only have to pay for certain privileges and subscription fee.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Best Ways To Choose Correct/Right Life Partner

Choosing the right life partner is essential for everyone because everything you do in your life is to live a happy life with your loved ones. Your life partner is one of the most loved ones. So, you have to choose your right life partner in order to live a happy life. Thus, here are the things to be kept in mind how you can choose your right life partner.

It is the first important point that, you should find somebody who you would be able to associate or speak with her very freely. With that you both will never get bored and you can express your feelings well.

Choosing your life partner having some of your interests makes your life beautiful. Every taste or interest is need not to be identical for both of you, but more or less interests should be same. Both will be favored by having and sharing the common interests.

Before your marriage you have to take into consideration that, your life partner’s thoughts should be reachable to you. If you are a relaxed person and your partner is too intellectual and active, then you’ll face problems. Hence, first understand your partner’s mind.

Your life partner should have sportiness. Partner should not hurt for small things. Sometimes hurting for small things may create little space between you and your partner. Therefore, go for sportive one.

You and your partner should be able to complement each other very well. If both of you give complement on each other, there will be no egos between you.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

With Enjoy Happily Married Forever!!! provide you chances to meet your soul mate!!!!! Many have found their special someone on that site. If you too wish to tie the nuptial knots but still wait for your fair lady or prince charming. so you are come right place.. here we can help you............

Read Details: After getting access of any selected persons profile, you must read details about the person such as his/her family background, qualification, job, religious, traditional values etc. 

Kundli Matching: we also match the kundlis of the registered members who are interested marring each other. A reliable software application is used for that purpose.Chatting Option: we also provid a chatting option on our website. It is great way to know what the other person likes or dislikesand one can also judge by this way.. he/she is compatible with him/her or not.